10 Worst Injuries in Professional Wrestling

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So…Since UFC President Dana White likes talking out of his ass and called pro wrestling “fake”. Since Mr. White among many others thinks it is “fake”, I am going to break down just how “fake” it is.

Pro wrestling is an incredibly high risk profession. More so than ANY other combat sport ever could be. For starters, you can’t fake gravity. If you fall 30 feet then you fall 30 feet, no sugar coating that. It is actually puzzling watching pro wrestling and realizing how much impact a human body can absorb.

Ever seen a pro wrestler take a body slam or suplex? Well, that’s real.

So real in fact, that doctors have equated a simple bump to a 20mph car crash. Sure, there is technique involved to keep one from critically injuring himself, but who would want to see someone actually crippled or paralyzed anyway? I’ve seen many wrestlers injured in the ring and it isn’t something I ever wanted to see.

Below I will list 10 of the more horrific “botches” and injuries to ever occur in a WWE/WCW ring. Keep in mind this is only those two promotions, I’m not including the thousands of others all over the world. And I won’t even attempt to touch the injuries from the land of extreme, ECW.


10.) Joey Mercury’s Broken Nose

Year: 2006

30 stitches plus a broken nose in three places…That is what Joey Mercury endured when he was struck in the face with a ladder. He only missed two weeks after this injury and returned to the ring before retiring shortly after.





9.) Brock Lesnar Botched Shooting Star

Year: 2003


Ever see a 300 pound man hit a Shooting Star Press? No? Well, Brock Lesnar can, and has probably hundreds of times. But on this night, Lesnar miscalculated and landed on his head in front of the entire world. Lesnar pinched a nerve and severely concussed himself after the botched move, but he went on to finish the match.


8.) Marty Garner Almost Paralyzes Himself

Year: 1996


Marty Garner isn’t well known, Triple H is…In 1996, Garner “botched” during the Pedigree and threw himself in the wrong direction thinking it was a different move.(Which makes no sense, really) Garner ended up spiking himself onto his head and caused a severe spinal contusion. Garner would try to sue over his injuries but the WWE and Garner settled out of court.


7.) Brock Lesnar Snaps Hardcore Holly’s Neck

Year: 2002


Hardcore Holly was known for being “stiff” in the ring. Hardcore Holly was known to teach lessons to the younger guys. Hardcore Holly ran into a younger guy named Brock Lesnar however and Lesnar didn’t care. Holly went limp during a powerbomb spot trying to make Lesnar look bad. Lesnar wasn’t going to allow that to happen and dumped Holly onto his head and snapped his neck. Holly missed 13 months from the injury.



6.) One of the Worst Wrestlers of All Time Ends the Career of “the Best There Is, Best There Was, and Best There Ever Will Be.”

Year: 1999

This is the kick that ended Bret Hart’s career. After receiving this botched kick (it being the initial concussion), Hart suffered a chain of concussions during the course of this match that caused him to have post-concussion syndrome. Though he was not immediately aware of how severe the concussion was, he retired five matches later after learning of his situation. It happened at Starrcade 1999.



5.) Mankind vs Undertaker Hell in a Cell ‘98

Year: 1998

Mick Foley may very well be the “King of Pain”. I honestly could’ve just compiled a list using only his injuries over the years. But on this night, the fact that Foley was able to walk away from the first fall was remarkable. To be able to survive two of them on top of being hurled into thumbtacks multiple times just defies the human pain threshold. A concussion, dislocated jaw, dislocated shoulder, and a bruised kidney were just a few injuries he sustained on top of all the lacerations and the broken teeth that ended up in his nose after piercing through his lip.






4.) Sid Vicious’ Career Ending Leg Injury

Year: 2001

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So here’s the story…Apparently WCW wanted Sid Vicious to broaden his moveset. Because apparently power moves weren’t enough at 6’10. Sid reluctantly agreed and told officials a man of his size wasn’t made for high risk moves. He was right, Sid’s leg horrifically snapped during the match in one of the nastiest looking leg breaks in sport’s history.


3.) Triple H Tears His Quad ‘01

Year: 2001

Now this is something I’m not going to explain myself. It is best to hear the story from the man himself so click the link.



2.) Rick Steiner Snaps Buff Bagwell’s Neck

Year: 1998

Rick Steiner overshot his own finisher “the Bulldog” and Bagwell ended up falling into Steiner’s back face first snapping several of his vertebrae and causing spinal shock syndrome. Bagwell would be confined to a wheelchair for some time until his injuries healed.


1.) Mick Foley Loses Ear During Match

Year: 1994

Arguably the most famous injury in pro wrestling took place in Munich, Germany and involved none other than Mick Foley(Wrestling as Cactus Jack). Foley got stuck in the Hangman’s Choke in the ropes at the hands of Vader. If not for the official having the right state of mind, Foley may have choked to death also. Foley managed to untwist his head from the ropes, but ended up having one of his ear’s tear. Vader then knocked the rest of the ear off of Foley’s head and the ref was able to pick it up and have it put on ice to be reattached after the match. The footage is choppy, but the match was filmed.

(7:35 For all of you impatient folks)


So given the history of injuries within pro wrestling it’s pretty ignorant to call it “fake”. But regardless of the word used to describe it, it takes a real tough S.O.B. to even attempt it once and many choose this as their career. I thankfully have never seen the injuries or deaths like in pro wrestling in the UFC, nor do I ever want to see them. But some people should be less insulting and ignorant about an artform in theatre in comparison to actual combat.

Sean Feral
Sean is pretty much “the bad guy”(metaphorically not negatively)…Sean was dubbed a “natural heel” by a handful of pro wrestlers about 8 years ago and Sean has embraced that role ever since. While covering the sports entertainment industry, Sean has met and interviewed many in the business and still loves the business now as much as he did as a kid. While most kids were cheering for the X­Men, Sean rooted for guys like Apocalypse and Magneto. When everyone rooted for Hulk Hogan, Sean was rooting for the Iron Sheik. When you ask him “Why do you like the villain so much?” Sean always gives this answer, “The villain always tells a better story. Without their substance, there is little need for heroes.” Other than his love for villains, Sean is an overall sports dork and watches literally everything from WWE to Olympic curling to the NFL. Sean also loves humor, especially when it’s dark, well thought out, and witty.

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